Strawberry Juice Detox Recipes for Weight Loss

Strawberry juice is a delicious and refreshing drink that's packed with nutrients and antioxidants; while it might not be the most common fruit juice available on the market, it's certainly worth adding to your health regimen.

What is Strawberry Juice?

Strawberry juice is made of strawberries, which means that most of the nutrients are preserved, with the notable exception of the dietary fiber found in those plump red berries.  Strawberries are scientifically classified in the Fragaria genus, while the most popular cultivars or species are Fragaria x ananassa and the wild strawberry, Fragaria vesca.  Due to the sweet flavor and juiciness, in addition to the ease of cultivation and diverse uses, strawberries are some of the most popular fruits around the world.

Strawberry juice is considered a low-calorie weight loss food that could also deliver a concentrated burst of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to the body.  Strawberry juice is full of vitamin C, potassium, folic acid, manganese, copper, zinc, vitamin E, calcium, B-family vitamins, polyphenolic compounds and natural sugars, all of which can have a measurable effect on various systems in our body.  The juice from this popular fruit could be consumed on its own or mixed with other fruit juices for a sour, healthy and energizing drink any time of day!

Benefits of Strawberry Juice

Skin Care

Boasting antioxidants and essential vitamins, such as vitamin E and C,  this juice is perfect for treating skin inflammation and irritation, while reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines, and age spots and blemishes.  The juice may normally be consumed or applied topically for these effects.

Improves Bone Strength

With manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc, this juice can help enhance your nutrient intake and increase bone mineral density, lowering your risk of osteoporosis as you age.

Reduces Blood Pressure

The significant levels of potassium in strawberry juice make it excellent for reducing your blood pressure and reducing the strain on the cardiovascular system.

How to Make Strawberry Juice?

Strawberry juice is relatively easy to create at home since this is the most common option in the fruit juice category.  It's important that you know that strawberry juice is quite potent and is usually utilized in a concentrated form, which means you want to add water to the syrup to create this juice.


  • 2 pounds of strawberries, chopped and washed
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 3-4 cups of water, filtered

Step 1 Add the strawberries and sugar to a bowl and mix thoroughly.

Step 2 Cover the bowl and refrigerate for 12-24 hours.

Step 3 Pour the contents of the bowl into a saucepan over medium heat.

Step 4 Bring the mixture to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer for 15-20 minutes.

Step 5 Pour the mixture through a strainer, leaving the strawberry fiber behind.

Step 6 Press the strawberries to discharge as much juice as possible.

Step 7 Store the strawberry juice in a glass jar or bottle.

Step 8 To serve, mix 1/4 cup of the concentrated juice into a glass and add water.

Step 9 Stir thoroughly, adding more syrup for additional sweetness if needed.

Step 10 Serve and enjoy!

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