Carrot Detox Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

Drinking carrot juice may deliver a wealth of advantages and a much more concentrated burst of nutrients than eating carrots alone, and that's why it's considered among the best vegetable juices to maintain optimal health.  As its name suggests, carrot juice is derived from carrots, which have the scientific name Daucus carota, and are among the most frequently eaten rооt vеgеtаblеs, аlоng wіth оnіоns аnd роtаtоеs.  Моrе thаn hаlf оf thе glоbаl suррlу оf саrrоts соmеs frоm Сhіnа, but thіs vеgеtаblе is available across the world, and used in a variety of culinary preparations.

These veggies are famed for their high-level contents of beta-carotene, in addition to vitamin K and several оthеr kеу nutrіеnts, whісh mау ехрlаіn thеіr рорulаrіtу іn јuісе fоrm.  Ноwеvеr, unlіkе mаnу оthеr fruіt аnd vеgеtаblе јuісеs, the return of carrot juice is rather small compared to the number of carrots necessary to make it.  To put it differently, a single carrot is approximately one serving, whereas a single cup of carrot juice requires three large carrots to make.  While eating carrots is good for your wellbeing, drinking carrot juice is far better.

Advantages of Carrot Juice

The most remarkable health benefits of carrot juice include its ability to prevent cancer, improve eyesight health, lower blood pressure, stimulating the immune system, speeding up the metabolism, protecting cognitive health, strengthening the nervous system and optimizing digestion, among others.

Prevents Cancer

The many antioxidants found in carrots have been moved to the juice, including high levels of beta-carotene.  Research has shown that antioxidants can reduce oxidative stress in the body, preventing the mutation of healthy cells and lowering your risk of cancer.  Beta-carotene has been specifically linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer.

Lowers Blood Pressure

With considerable levels of potassium (approximately 15% of your required daily intake), this juice is excellent for protecting heart health by lowering blood pressure and preventing the dangers of hypertension.  As a vasodilator, potassium helps to relieve tension in blood vessels and arteries, which protects cardiovascular health.

Carrots with Milk

Carrot milk is a highly popular drink in India and some other Asian countries and is composed of raw carrots blended with milk, ice cubes, and some cardamom powder.  It combines many advantages of carrots, in addition to the nutrient content of milk (condensed or normal) as well as the antioxidants of cardamom together.



  • Three large raw carrots
  • 1 cup of condensed milk
  • One teaspoon of cardamom powder
  • 2 cups of water (filtered)

Step 1 Add the carrots and water into a pot and bring to a boil.

Step 2 Allow the carrots to become tender (4-5 minutes of boiling).

Step 3 Add the water and carrots to a blender and puree.

Step 4 Heat the milk in a pot until it begins to boil, then let it cool for 1-2 minutes.

Step 5 Stir in the carrot puree and cardamom powder into the milk until thoroughly blended.

Step 6 Allow the mixture to cool and then refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

Step 7 Serve and enjoy!
How to make Carrot Juice?

Making carrot juice is a bit easier than making carrot milk as it merely requires raw carrots and water, but with a little bit of extra effort, you may enjoy this extremely nutrient-dense drink at home.



Three large carrots
1/2 cup of water (filtered)

Step 1 Wash and chop the carrots.

Step 2 Add the chopped carrots and water to the blender.

Step 3 Blend the carrots for 60 seconds.

Step 4 Stretch a piece of cheesecloth or a nut milk bag over a mason jar and then pour the juice through.

Step 5 Squeeze the pulp into the cheesecloth or nut milk bag repeatedly to extract as much juice as possible.

Step 6 Serve and enjoy!

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