Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach: Frequently asked questions. Find out if ProCoach is right for you.

On Wednesday, January 15th, 2020, we’re re-opening ProCoach to our Precision Nutrition Certification students and graduates around the world.

ProCoach is world-class software that helps you coach more people, in less time, with better results. In one simple, easy-to-use platform, you get the industry’s leading nutrition and lifestyle coaching curriculum—complete with daily lessons, habits, progress updates, and more—ready to be delivered to your clients, with you showcased as the coach. 

Developed over 15 years and proven with over 100,000 clients, ProCoach is built on Precision Nutrition’s continually evolving curriculum—which is based on the latest scientific research, practice-based change techniques, our own clients’ transformative results, and feedback from over 12,000 ProCoaches to date. 

ProCoach gives you everything you need to roll out best-in-class nutrition coaching, effortlessly. Allowing you to turn what you learned in the Precision Nutrition Certification into a thriving coaching practice, get better results with every single client you work with, and add a highly profitable, scalable income stream to your business immediately.

For more info about ProCoach, check the frequently asked questions below.

Want to know exactly how the ProCoach software works? Then check this out.

See how other health and fitness pros are using ProCoach with their clients.



In summary, ProCoach delivers—to your clients, on your behalf—a total coaching solution, complete with daily lessons, habits, check-ins, and more.

As their coach, you’ll be able to support them by answering questions, offering encouragement, and tracking progress through the ProCoach interface.

When you enroll, you’ll be able to use this ground-breaking software and curriculum in your business—with your clients—and easily, quickly, and effectively deliver the practice-based coaching you learned in the PN Certification.

Grow your business and work less.

ProCoach will help you:

  • Market and sell your services to the people who need it.
  • Coach more people while delivering exceptional results.
  • Connect more deeply with your clients.
  • Add a new, scalable income stream, immediately.
  • Spend less time on the admin things that drive you crazy.
  • Spend more time on the coaching things you enjoy.
  • Build a stronger business.

A proven curriculum, created/organized for you.

ProCoach automatically delivers—to your clients, on your behalf—an online nutrition and lifestyle curriculum that helps them:

  • practice new eating habits,
  • troubleshoot their biggest challenges,
  • stay consistent, motivated, and accountable, and
  • radically improve their nutrition, lifestyle, and health.

With you as their coach, answering questions, offering encouragement, and tracking progress through a special dashboard, ProCoach helps you get more clients to their goals—reliably and effectively every time.

Develop your coaching expertise.

ProCoach will also help you:

  • Assess clients quickly and efficiently.
  • Deliver daily habits, lessons, assignments from our curriculum.
  • Review client consistency and habit adherence at any time.
  • Track clients’ physical, mental, behavior changes every week.
  • Communicate clearly and expertly when clients are stuck.
  • Attract new clients with photos, data, testimonials, and straight-up, irrefutable, hard-data evidence of your success as a coach.

Precision Nutrition's ProCoach: testimonial - Katie Wygant



As we’re about to open the program—and last time we sold out in hours — we’re getting lots of questions. Here we’ll answer the most common ones so you can decide if it’s a good solution for you.

What is ProCoach?

Q: Can you tell me a little more about ProCoach?

ProCoach is part nutrition software, part nutrition curriculum, and part client management tool. Yet it’s very different from other software you’ve seen.

In essence, ProCoach delivers—to your clients, on your behalf—an online, up-to-12-month nutrition and lifestyle coaching program, complete with daily lessons, habits, check-ins, and more.

This practice-based approach will help your clients gradually, and permanently, transform the way they eat, move, and live.

Plus, you get to work front-and-center as their coach. You’ll offer guidance and support them—answering questions, encouraging, tracking their progress—through a special ProCoach dashboard.

Here’s how it works.

Once you register, you’ll be taken to your ProCoach admin area.

This area contains everything you need to get started, including:

  • simple instructions on how to add your first client,
  • a curriculum guide outlining how the program unfolds for clients,
  • a business implementation guide for integrating the offering,
  • a marketing and sales guide for spreading the word, and
  • a full Learning Center that walks you through everything else.
The comprehensive Learning Center included in ProCoach.
The comprehensive Learning Center included in ProCoach.

From there, you can easily add your first client. All you need is their name and email address.

Adding clients is easy, just include their name, email address, and program.
Adding clients is easy, just include their name, email address, and program.

After you add a client to the ProCoach program, they’ll activate their account and fill out a comprehensive intake / assessment form online.

Once that’s complete, the client will begin receiving daily emails containing brief descriptions of what they should be working on and thinking about that day.

Example of the daily emails clients will receive.
Example of the daily emails clients will receive.

These emails link to a special ProCoach homepage where clients find:

1) Daily habits.

Every 2 weeks clients are presented with a new habit, something they’re asked to practice every day, to develop a particular nutrition or lifestyle skill. These habits are explained in detail on day one. And every day after, ProCoach reminds them about their habit.

Example habit / practice for clients to follow.
Example habit / practice for clients to follow.

2) Daily habit checks.

Every day they’ll also be asked to record whether or not they practiced their habit. Consistency is tracked in a special “Progress” area of the ProCoach client interface. This helps clients see how consistent they’re being. You’ll also get access to these data in your admin area.

More detail about each habit / practice.
More detail about each habit / practice.

3) Daily lessons and assignments.

To support the daily habits, ProCoach offers brief lessons in the form of articles, videos, audio files, and/or downloads. Client engagement with lessons and assignments is tracked in the client’s progress area and recorded in your admin area.

Example lesson that accompanies the current habit / practice.
Example lesson that accompanies the current habit / practice.

4) Regular progress checks.

Every week or two, clients are asked to provide body weight, girths, photos, and other markers of progress, including subjective ones. These are tracked in the client’s progress area, recorded in your admin area.

One of the progress checks that comes every few weeks.
One of the progress checks that comes every few weeks.

That’s an overview of the comprehensive client experience.

As their coach, you’ll not only get the confidence of knowing your clients are well taken care of, you’ll also get visibility into their progress through a dashboard that allows you to track your entire client list at a glance.

The client list gives you overview stats on each client, including where they’re at in the program, how consistent they’ve been, and how their body has changed.

Client list within the ProCoach dashboard.
Client list within the ProCoach dashboard.

You can also drill down to each person’s client details page by clicking on their name.

Client details page within the ProCoach dashboard.
Client details page within the ProCoach dashboard.

There you’ll see their photos, important details about them from their intake questionnaire, and how they’re doing in the program. You’ll get access to everything they’ve done (or not done) in the program to date.

Q: I heard there are new features. So what's new with ProCoach?

ProCoach is getting better every single day.

Through our exclusive ProCoach Facebook group, and the regular interviews and surveys we do with ProCoaches, we’re listening closely, responding dynamically, and creating new features every day.

Since we opened ProCoach in June of 2016 we’ve released dozens of new features, including the following game changers.

Customized mini-site for every ProCoach

By answering a few simple questions within your ProCoach dashboard we’ll generate a customized mini website for your business, complete with a custom web address.

It’ll lay out your services including the features, benefits, and hopeful future you’re promising.

Not only will this “do the selling for you”, it’ll also position you as the skilled, experienced, and educated coach that clients need to finally reach their goals.

ProCoach generates your own custom sales page and mini-site.
ProCoach generates your own custom sales page and mini-site.

Done-For-You marketing

Attracting new clients is always a challenge. That’s why, with the help of Pat Rigsby, we created a host of online and offline marketing campaigns for you.

We built these to help you save time and make more money. They come complete with design assets, copy, and deployment instructions.

Now you can easily spread the word about your business and attract the right kind of clients without needing to be a marketing guru to do it.

Done-For-You Marketing is now built into ProCoach.
Done-For-You Marketing is now built into ProCoach.

Quick-Start guides

Whenever onboarding new clients, it’s useful to share something tangible. Both so they feel like they’re getting something amazing for their money and so they can feel like they’re making progress on day one.

That’s why we’ve created these custom Quick-Start Guides. They’ll help set clients up for early success by giving them advice around portion control, workout nutrition, grocery shopping, and meal prep starting on Day 1.

Personalized Quick Start Guides are also built into ProCoach.
Personalized Quick Start Guides are also built into ProCoach.

Comprehensive Learning Center

Since we first launched ProCoach in June 2016 we’ve made major improvements to our Learning Center.

With articles on every imaginable topic, and an awesome search feature, the Learning Center will teach you everything you need to be successful with ProCoach.

The comprehensive Learning Center included in ProCoach.
The comprehensive Learning Center included in ProCoach.

ProCoach Workouts (optional)

After working with thousands of ProCoaches to deliver comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle coaching, many began asking us to unlock our vault of expert-designed exercise programs so they can deliver a more holistic, single-platform experience.

As Precision Nutrition’s own coaching programs have offered integrated exercise, nutrition, lifestyle advice for years, we decided to make available our 28 client-proven exercise tracks for you to use with selected clients.

You now have 3 options when using ProCoach. For each client, you can:

  1. Use ProCoach for nutrition coaching only,
  2. Use ProCoach for both nutrition and exercise coaching,
  3. Use ProCoach for exercise coaching only.

The choice is yours.

ProCoach Workouts is now an option you can use with selected clients.
ProCoach Workouts is now an option you can use with selected clients.

Community of like-minded people + top experts

With our ProCoach Facebook group, you can now work alongside an extremely supportive group of more than 2,500 ProCoaches—including trainers, nutritionists, sport coaches, researchers, therapists, and other healthcare professionals from all over the world.

With case studies, lessons, daily tips, and more, being part of this community will help you expand your network, grow your business, and strengthen your coaching skills.
With case studies, lessons, daily tips, and more, being part of this community will help you expand your network, grow your business, and strengthen your coaching skills.

You’ll also get to some of our revered experts and coaches like Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon, Kate Solovieva, Craig Weller, Adam Feit, and more. Ask questions, get feedback and advice, and nerd out on all things fitness and nutrition.


Q: Who are you? What makes you qualified to offer this?

I’m Dr. John Berardi, co-founder of Precision Nutrition.

I’ve devoted my entire career to making health and fitness something that’s achievable and attainable for every type of person, from every walk of life. (Here’s a bit more about me, if you’re interested.)

At Precision Nutrition, we have a world-class coaching team made up of doctors, exercise specialists, naturopaths, dietitians, nutritionists, and counselors.

Precision Nutrition was named one of the 10 most innovative companies in fitness by Fast Company magazine.
Precision Nutrition was named one of the 10 most innovative companies in fitness by Fast Company magazine.

We’ve coached and mentored people in nearly 100 countries through our research programs, professional education courses, and personal coaching groups.

When people want the best, they work with us.

Thousands of people from all over the world. Companies like Nike and Titleist. Professional sports teams like the San Antonio Spurs and dozens of Olympic athletes and their coaches.

Precision Nutrition has been featured in dozens of media outlets…
Precision Nutrition has been featured in dozens of media outlets…
…and has consulted with some of the world’s most innovative companies and teams.
…and has consulted with some of the world’s most innovative companies and teams.

But most of all, we’re qualified to offer ProCoach because we’ve used and tested this very system extensively with our own clients here at Precision Nutrition.

Over the past 15 years, we’ve been using the same science-proven program and coaching software you’ll find in ProCoach in our Men’s and Women’s coaching programs. (Although, it’s certainly been refined over time.)

We’ve had over 100,000 clients go through our nutrition coaching curriculum, doing what is essentially a total exercise, nutrition and lifestyle intervention.

And now we’re making this same total coaching system available to you, through ProCoach—to use in your coaching practice, with your clients.

Q: How does ProCoach compare to other nutrition software out there?

There’s nothing else like this.

Sure, there are other “nutrition software packages”. But they’re generally geared toward generating “customized meal plans”.

Here’s how those programs work: You input a client’s statistics and food preferences, the program spits out a meal plan, and you ask the client to follow that.

Sounds good in principle.

Sadly, only about 1 in 10 clients actually follow a customized meal plan for more than a few weeks. You see, meal plans just aren’t practical. (We’ll talk about this more below.)

But let’s say you do have a few clients who can follow the meal plan. That’s great. How long can they (or will they want to) follow a specific menu? A year? 10 years? 25 years?

While “meal plan software” sounds good in principle, it’s not very useful in practice. And the evidence is written all over the market.

Hundreds of meal plan websites and apps have come and gone in the last 20 years. None of them stick around very long. It’s a fitting end considering that’s exactly what happens to the clients trying to follow their meal plans.

Needless to say, we use a totally different approach.

Q: So what's wrong with meal plans?

In our early days, we learned something the hard way: Meal plans and diets aren’t useful or sustainable for the vast majority of clients.

Clients often feel like they’re either “on” them or “off” them. The black-and-white nature of a meal plan suggests that people have to eat perfectly at each meal (to match what’s listed in the plan)—or they’ve failed. It’s psychologically unpalatable and unsustainable.

Even more, meal plans are too inflexible. They don’t work with the reality of people’s busy lives. Work meetings, children’s programs, meals out, dogs that need walking, cars that break down, family members that get ill, etc. Meal plans take none of these into account.

Finally, meal plans assume people already have the skills to follow them. But that’s simply not true. Most people who aren’t eating healthy today don’t have the basics down.

Without skills like:

  • eating slowly and mindfully,
  • tuning into hunger and appetite cues,
  • planning grocery shopping,
  • choosing the right items from the store,
  • storing and preparing food correctly,
  • avoiding problem foods, and
  • choosing better options at restaurants…

…following a meal plan becomes hopeless.

You might as well ask someone who’s only strong enough to bench press 135 pounds to do 405 pounds. No matter how badly they want to, they don’t have the skills or capacity.

But these aren’t just intellectual objections. In our experience, only 1 in 10 people can actually follow a meal plan for more than a few weeks.

In the end, meal plans have such limited utility that we left them behind, for most of our clients, along time ago.

Q: If you don't offer meal plans, what do you offer? What will my clients learn in ProCoach?

ProCoach uses habit-based (or practice-based) coaching, a method rooted in change psychology and built on the latest science of what actually helps people develop new skills and make change in their lives.

So rather than telling people what to eat for breakfast and when to eat it, we help them build the skills (and daily habits) required to eat well, every day, no matter what life throws at them.

We also help them discover what’s right for them, in the context of their own unique lives. That’s why our program’s results are so sustainable.

So, instead of giving people a menu that looks like this:

  • Meal 1 (6:30am): 3 eggs, ½ cup oatmeal, 1 banana
  • Meal 2 (9:30am): protein shake
  • Meal 3 (12:30pm): turkey breast sandwich and small salad

…we give them a series of 2-week habits—which are both solid and flexible—to help them build the skills necessary to make better nutrition and lifestyle choices today (and for life).

To support these habits, we also offer relevant lessons and assignments with Socratic-type thought exercises that help them (and you) explore their unique schedule, priorities, belief systems, food preferences, food tolerances, and more.

This helps them build, what we call, an “Owner’s Manual”.

If you’d like to see what this looks like in practice, check out our curriculum outlines:

With all that said, we do offer our Quick-Start Guides so clients have detailed instruction right out of the gate. This is a slick, custom packet of advice on food choices, portion control, workout nutrition, grocery shopping, and
meal prep.

Q: Can you explain practice-based coaching a little more?


We believe that people can only reliably get to their goals when they do two things:

  1. Break down what they want to do into specific aptitudes (skills).
  2. Build those aptitudes through strategic daily habits (practices).

The formula pretty much looks like this:

Practice daily to build skills.

Build skills to achieve goals.

In the end, growth and development comes through daily practices and supporting experiences.

Here’s an example of how this works:

Goal: Eat better consistently

Let’s say you want to lose weight. You know that to lose weight you’ll need to eat better consistently. That’s your real goal: Eat better consistently.

But you don’t have all the skills to do it just yet. So you have to break it down into…

Skill: Hunger and appetite awareness

Which skills are required to eat better consistently? We’ve identified hunger / appetite awareness as the most important initial skill for making progress.

But that’s not quite a concrete thing you can do. So you have to break it down into…

Practices: Eat slowly and stop eating when satisfied

We use two daily practices to build the skill of hunger and appetite awareness.

Practice 1: Eat slowly.

Practice 2: Eat until satisfied, not stuffed.

This takes a month—two weeks for clients to learn, practice, and repeat each habit. At the end of a month, clients have two very important habits that they can now use for the rest of their lives. They’ve learned it by doing it.

Not surprisingly, clients usually lose weight during this time. Because, of course, they’re learning to eat a bit less and adjust their intake according to body signals.

Even better, they’ve built two new habits that they can use for the rest of their lives, no matter what else happens.

The ProCoach software delivers weekly habits (like the two above), supported by daily lessons and assignments, to help your clients not only eat better now—but also build the skills necessary to eat better for life.

How lessons and habits are presented on a client's
How lessons and habits are presented on a client’s “today page”.

Why introduce habits one by one?

Because true progress comes not from “overhauling,” but from building transferable skills. Systematically.

When clients strategically replace old habits with new ones developed through daily, intentional actions, they learn things like:

  • What’s truly important to them
  • Prioritizing and time management
  • Mindfulness, self-compassion, and emotional regulation
  • Persistence and consistency
  • Flexibility and resilience

These skills are useful in all areas of life. But they’re absolutely crucial for sustainable body transformation.

Q: What kinds of results are possible with practice-based coaching?

Since we built the beta version of ProCoach, 15 years ago, over 100,000 clients have gone through the program.

Today we coach, on average, 5,000 clients a year with about 20 full-time Precision Nutrition coaches (and an awesome group of part-time interns and mentors).

And here are the types of results we produce:

Watch the results of 365 days of ProCoach coaching; photos are taken monthly over the course of a year.

Here’s another compilation:

See first hand how the ProCoach program and curriculum have impacted the lives of our clients.



As you can see, our clients are a diverse bunch. They come in all ages, shapes, and sizes. In fact, they’re probably a lot like your clients.

Which means the results you saw this video above are the exact same results your clients can expect when you start using ProCoach.

Want to see more? Check these out:

Q: What dietary philosophy is ProCoach built on?

None, really.

You see, we’re nutritional agnostics. (For more on what this means, check out this article).

While meal-plan approaches require you to choose between vegan, Paleo, Mediterranean, or other “labeled” diets, practice-based approaches don’t force this choice.

This means our progressive systems of habits, lessons, and assignments can work equally well for vegetarians (who eat no meat) or “meatatarians” (who eat mostly meat).

Of course, we do believe that a healthy diet generally consists of:

  • whole, minimally processed foods,
  • lots of plants,
  • enough protein to meet your needs,
  • a healthy mix of different fats,
  • plenty of water, and
  • carbohydrates based on activity levels.

Through lessons, assignments, and daily habits:

  • We help clients find the right mix of all these foods for their goals, lifestyle, and preferences.
  • We show them how to make meals suitable for them.
  • And we help them stay consistent.

However, we go much deeper than just the food.

We also dig into:

  • Food behaviors (food timing, meal frequency, meal speed, and food amount).
  • Food attitudes (food views, restriction vs. abundance, disordered thinking).
  • Stress management (in general, how it relates to food).
  • Rest, recovery, and sleep (in general, how they relate to food).
  • Outlook (confidence, resilience, mastery, and growth mindset).
Q: Since ProCoach is nutritionally agnostic, can I use ProCoach to coach clients of all dietary preferences—vegans and paleos alike?


Through lessons, assignments, and daily habits we help clients find the right mix of plants, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and calories for their goals, lifestyle, and preferences.

Then, once they’ve built their unique “Owner’s Manual”, we help them stay consistent with what’s best for them.

One of the
One of the “Build Your Owner’s Manual” exercises from the program.

There’s nothing in the program that forces a meaty (or non-meaty) agenda.

So, yes, we can help vegans “vegan better” and paleos “paleo better”. (And everyone else do stuff better too).

Precision Nutrition's ProCoach: testimonial - Daniel Hennessey


How does ProCoach work for me, the coach?

Q: ProCoach looks awesome. How easy is it to use?

It’s incredibly easy to use.

If you have a regular internet connection, can visit normal websites, can use a keyboard and mouse, and can send/receive email, using ProCoach will be a breeze.

You don’t have to be a computer expert or even particularly tech-savvy to make it work. We make sure everything is spelled out clearly on your ProCoach admin page.

The comprehensive Learning Center included in ProCoach.
The comprehensive Learning Center included in ProCoach.

Remember, we built this software for our full-time coaches to use when coaching our own clients. And we didn’t want to limit our hires to only people who were computer geniuses.

Q: Are there any tutorials on how to use ProCoach?

Yes, as mentioned above, our Learning Center teaches you everything you need to know. It has sections for:

  • Managing clients
  • Understanding the billing process
  • Using the coach dashboard
  • Acquainting yourself with the entire curriculum
  • Understanding our coaching model
  • FAQs
  • Business models we’ve seen work
  • Marketing and sales

And a whole lot more.

Even if you don’t consider yourself tech-savvy, we’ve got your back. The software is very easy to use. And we’ll make sure you’re confident in using it and in delivering a world-class experience to your clients.

Q: You mentioned built-in client accountability. What does that look like?

For real change to happen, clients have to practice healthy habits every day.

As mentioned above, ProCoach makes it easy for clients with the following features:

1) Daily emails.

Clients get daily emails containing brief descriptions of what they should be working on and thinking about that day. These emails link to a special ProCoach homepage where lessons, habits, and assignments are outlined.

Example of the daily emails clients will receive.
Example of the daily emails clients will receive.

2) Daily habits.

Every 2 weeks clients are presented with a new habit—something they’re asked to practice every day—to develop a particular nutrition or lifestyle skill. These habits are explained in detail on day one. And every day after, ProCoach reminds them about their habit.

Example habit / practice for clients to follow.
Example habit / practice for clients to follow.

3) Daily habit checks.

Every day they’ll also be asked to record whether or not they practiced their habit. Consistency is tracked in a special “Progress” area of the ProCoach client interface. This helps clients see how consistent they’re being. You’ll also get access to these data in your admin area.

More detail about each habit / practice.
More detail about each habit / practice.

4) Daily lessons and assignments.

To support the daily habits, ProCoach offers brief lessons in the form of articles, videos, audio files, and/or downloads. Client engagement with lessons and assignments is tracked in the client’s progress area and recorded in your admin area.

Example lesson that accompanies the current habit / practice.
Example lesson that accompanies the current habit / practice.

5) Regular progress checks.

Every week or two, clients are asked to provide their body weight, girths, photos, and other markers of progress, including subjective ones. These are tracked in the client’s progress area and recorded in your admin area.

One of the progress checks that comes every few weeks.
One of the progress checks that comes every few weeks.

That’s an overview of the comprehensive client experience.

Notice how it’s all automated. That means the entire coaching program can run itself without your intervention.

Once you add a client, unless you want to check up on your client’s stats, give feedback on assignments, or help them collect progress data, you can be completely hands-off.

Q: How is daily adherence tracking done?

As mentioned above, every day clients get a habit reminder as well as a lesson or assignment (in the form of a short article, video, audio file, or download).

In addition, clients are asked whether or not they did their specific habit for the day.

The answer (yes or no) is recorded in the client’s “Progress” section. Whether or not they completed their lesson or assignment for the day is also recorded here.

Lesson and habit adherence are tracked on the client's
Lesson and habit adherence are tracked on the client’s “my progress” page.

Responses to their assignments and lessons are also recorded in the “Archive” section.

Lesson and habit archive.
Lesson and habit archive.

Plus, as their coach, you’ll also get access to these data through the ProCoach admin area.

Q: How can I keep track of my clients, where they're at, and how they're doing?

We’ve built an awesome dashboard to track client progress.

This dashboard is located in your ProCoach admin area and it allows you to track your entire client list at a glance.

Client list within the ProCoach dashboard.
Client list within the ProCoach dashboard.

The client list gives you overview stats on each client including where they’re at in the program, how consistent they’ve been, and how their body has changed.

You can also drill down to each client’s details page by clicking on their name.

Client details page within the ProCoach dashboard.
Client details page within the ProCoach dashboard.

There you’ll see their photos, important details about them (from their intake questionnaire), and how they’re doing in the program. You’ll get access to pretty much everything they’ve done (or failed to do) in the program to date.

Q: What does the intake process look like?

Client intake is really easy.

As mentioned earlier, you’ll simply add a client to the program by including their name and email address.

Adding clients is easy, just include their name, email address, and program.

Once added, clients will receive an email telling them a bit more about the program and asking them to activate their account.

What clients are sent when invited to the program.

This email will prompt them to create their own unique username and password.

What clients are sent when invited to the program.

Once they’ve set up their username and password they’ll be taken to a special client home page.

What clients will see once accepting their invitation.

Once your client sets up their account (it’s easy and only takes a few minutes), they’ll fill out a comprehensive intake / assessment form so that you have all the information you need to coach them over barriers and into the best shape of their lives.

Client intake questionnaire.

Once they’ve completed the intake form, they’ll begin receiving their daily lessons, assignments, and habits on the following Monday.

Client onboarding lessons after completing their intake questionnaire.

In the end, the intake process is very simple for both you and the client.

Q: What kinds of assessments are collected, and when?

During the coaching program, various types of assessments are collected including:

1) Intake.

Once you sign a client up, they’ll fill out a comprehensive intake questionnaire. The questionnaire gathers a wide range of nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle information for that client.

Client intake questionnaire.

2) Progress updates.

Every few weeks, clients are asked to provide body weight, girths, photos, and other progress indicators. Also included are questions about whether they felt like their behaviors for the last week or so matched up with their goals.

Example of a behavior-based question.

3) Surveys.

Every few months clients are asked to fill out a quick survey. One is a psychological assessment evaluating their mindset and resilience. Another asks important questions regarding how they feel about their progress so far. Another asks them to rate the program.

Example client surveys.

All of this information will be easily accessible within your ProCoach admin area.

Q: Does ProCoach offer exercise advice, or just nutrition?

When we first launched ProCoach, the curriculum focused on:

  • nutrition
  • sleep
  • stress-management
  • mindset
  • overall healthy living

However, after working with thousands of ProCoaches to deliver comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle coaching, many began asking us to unlock our vault of expert-designed exercise programs so they can deliver a more holistic, single-platform experience.

As Precision Nutrition’s own coaching programs have offered integrated exercise, nutrition, lifestyle advice for years, we decided to make our 28 client-proven exercise tracks available for you to use with clients.

This means you can coach nutrition and lifestyle alone or, for a small additional charge of $69 USD per month, you can add ProCoach Workouts to your account and turn the workout programming on for selected clients.

Q: Can I get a look at the entire curriculum?


Click one of the links below to check it out:

Q: Is the ProCoach curriculum customizable?

It depends on what you mean by “customizable”.

If you mean “Can I input all my own habits, lessons, assignments, progress checks, workouts, surveys, etc?” then no, it’s not that.

Let me explain why not.

You can think of the ProCoach curriculum as an evidence-based framework that’s standardized, allowing for significant customization on the client side (and coach side) of the program.

It’s what we call “Building Your Owner’s Manual”.

One of the “Build Your Owner’s Manual” exercises from the program.

Through the habits, lessons, and assignments, we ask clients to track their progress, gather data, and reflect on thought exercises, all of which gets compiled in their “Owner’s Manual”—a collection of information and analysis about their lives, bodies, needs, wants, and real-life-tested experiences.

This process helps them:

  • Take responsibility for themselves—their thoughts, their beliefs, their stories, their environments, and most importantly, their behaviors. (No more coach-blaming or “This diet / workout plan didn’t work for me!”)
  • Feel empowered by and invested in the idea that they now have a set of “handling instructions for their bodies”. (No more “one-size-fits-all” programs.)
  • Test hypotheses, gather data, and draw conclusions, just like scientists. (No more blindly “just following the rules”.)

The Owner’s Manual empowers them to make informed decisions about their own needs, wants, and priorities (instead of you telling them what to think or feel or do).

It’s client-centered coaching at its best.

So don’t think of the curriculum as a set of interchangeable habits and lessons. It’s not that. It’s a skill-building self-discovery tool that we built using state-of-the-art psychological principles.

Of course, no matter how great the curriculum, it can never eliminate the need for your:

  • Guidance and support.
  • Strategies to get through blocks and setbacks.
  • Problem-solving and goal setting.

Indeed, that’s what coaching is actually for. That’s what you’re for.

It’s for these reasons (and more) that we don’t even include “write my own lessons and habits” customization in our own coaching program with our own full-time coaches.

And it’s why we’re not including it in ProCoach.

By the way, the coaches I mentioned above are some of the most talented and experienced in the entire industry, having successfully coached thousands of clients each.

So let’s not let theoretical objections get in the way of the reality here.

The ProCoach software and curriculum have been proven to work, both in practice, and in peer-reviewed scientific publications.

Oh, and one more thing.

Even if we thought it was a good idea to allow across-the-board curriculum customization, it would be A LOT of work — too much work— for you to customize the actual habits, lessons, and assignments.

Think about it… there are 24 x 2-week habits that roll out over the course of the program. And along with each habit comes a 2-week block of lessons (about 10-12 lessons in total), at an average of 500 words each.

So, to “customize” you’d need to not only restructure the delivery of the program, you’d also need to write a host of new lessons/assignments.

How much new content would you have to create? Well, say you wanted to change even just 2 habit blocks. Well, that’s 20-24 lessons and 10,000-12,000 words of new content you’d have to write to support your addition.

Indeed, by trying to customize the actual content, you’d spend all your time as a writer/content creator instead of as a coach. Is that really your highest leverage opportunity? Do you even have the time for that?

In the end, our research suggests that most ProCoach users plan on delivering the curriculum just as we deliver them in our coaching programs, because that’s the highest-value opportunity.

Again, we’ve used ProCoach to help over 100,000 clients, with amazing results. That’s a whole lot of (very diverse) clients. And the key has been to deliver customization on the client and coaching side, not on the curriculum side.

Nikki Strong - testimonial card



Q: But if I'm delivering PN's curriculum, why do my clients need me?

The curriculum is only one part of the ProCoach experience. There’s also the software, which helps you effectively automate and scale. Put the two together and you’ve got the most sophisticated coaching tool on the market today.

But let’s not forget something here: Clients aren’t looking for tools. They’re looking for a real relationship with a real person. They want a coach. And that’s where you’re needed. (In some cases, desperately).

So, the secret to ProCoach is really technology + curriculum + YOU.

Remember: Software can never replace a client’s need to connect with a person. (It can, however, help that person become more efficient and effective).

In the end, ProCoach is here to:

  • Help you deliver an amazing coaching experience that’ll both change your clients’ lives and improve your business.
  • Help your clients experience “whole person” coaching to become the best possible version of themselves.

And remember: your coaching skill and expertise is the difference-maker here. We offer the world-class tools. You bring the coaching, support, and human connection required to get world-leading results.

Q: Can I interact with clients through the ProCoach software?

Yes, we want you to have a direct line to your clients. So we’ve built a custom messaging system within ProCoach.

Through this system, clients can reach out to coaches and vice-versa. It’s like email but it’s all contained within the ProCoach software.

Actually, it’s better than email: Imagine having all of your client’s details right there in front of you as you email them: their body stats, progress, latest messages and lesson responses, photos… everything.

That’s what’s possible. Each time you write a message to a client, all their data will be up on your screen at the same time. You don’t have to rely on memory.

Everything you need to know is all right there for you, literally at your fingertips.

Messaging system within the client detail page.

In addition to the messaging system, there’s a built-in feedback system.

So, if you choose to review a client’s progress updates or assignments, you can send feedback or encouragement that’ll be delivered via their coaching homepage.

While giving feedback isn’t required, it’s a really nice way to establish a connection.

Coach feedback on a lesson in the “today page”.

Details on how to use the messaging system and feedback system are included in the Learning Center. (And don’t worry, these features are REALLY simple to use.)

Q: Do clients also get a Precision Nutrition coach?

Nope. Again, through ProCoach, you’re the coach.

The curriculum and the content are delivered in a totally automated way.

But you’re highlighted as the coach. Which means you’ll be accountable for monitoring client results and doing the actual coaching.

How much of that you choose to do is completely up to you.

Q: If I'm monitoring client results, how much time will I have to spend coaching nutrition?

There are essentially two ways to use ProCoach.

The first way is completely hands-off.

Option 1: Simply add clients to the program and let the program roll without your intervention.

In this case, you won’t need to review assignments, track adherence, or anything else related to nutrition.

The trade-off? The client is on their own. If they’re stuck or struggling, and you’re not checking in, the probability of their success goes down.

Option 2: Coaching.

After adding clients to the program, you’ll simply commit a few hours each week to monitoring your clients’ responses, adherence, and results.

You can give them feedback. Help them troubleshoot (either in-person or through ProCoach). And provide a higher level of service.

Both options are fine.

In fact, we offer both options through our own Precision Nutrition Coaching programs.

One is a highly personal program where one of our full-time Precision Nutrition Super Coaches oversees each client’s daily work and progress. The other is an automated program in which there’s no coach working one-on-one with each client.

The key is to charge accordingly (more for the personal coaching program, less for the automated program). And to be clear about what clients can expect from each program from the start.

Q: How long will each client be in the program?

ProCoach contains a full year’s worth of healthy eating and lifestyle habits. Why a full year? Two reasons actually.

First, the program is about progressively building habits over a longer period of time to promote confidence and long-term sustainability.

But there’s a business reason too.

The most expensive thing in nearly every business is client acquisition (i.e. getting a new client when one leaves or finishes a program). And most fitness and nutrition businesses fail precisely because they offer shorter-term programs (6-12 weeks).

It’s just too hard to bring in a new crop of clients every couple of months.

With the up-to-12-month program that ProCoach offers, you’ll be keeping clients much longer so you don’t have to scramble to acquire new clients every few months.

This could be the difference between success and failure. Between your business growing and thriving and it withering away.

So the idea of a longer 12-month program is a win for your clients (they’ll get better results) and a win for you (your business is more likely to grow and thrive).

But, here’s the important thing, you don’t have to sell it as a 12-month program. You can just sell it as “coaching”. If the client only stays for 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, it’s fine.

Just like with your regular coaching.

Q: What if my clients don't want to do the full year?

As mentioned above, if you (or your clients) hit the 3 month (or 6 month, or 9 month) mark and decide it’s enough time, you can stop following along at that point.

Again, we recommend that people follow the full curriculum to “the end” because it’s designed to move along a specific teaching and discovery arc, sort of like a story.

And, of course, there’s a strong business reason for keeping clients the full duration.

However, there’s no harm if folks choose not to follow the whole thing. You’ll simply remove the client from the program (it’s really easy to do), they stop paying you, and that’s it.

Just like with your regular coaching. Presumably you have enough “coaching” in you to keep certain clients forever. But you don’t actually ask them to sign up forever. You just get started, do your best, and see how long they stay.

Q: As a trainer, my clients rarely stay with me for a full year. Can I still use ProCoach?

Yes, you can.

In fact, the program may actually:

  • help you keep clients longer because it drives superior client results, and
  • allow you to keep working with a client even when you’re not seeing them in-person.

In the latter scenario, let’s say you’re a personal trainer or strength coach working with a client 3 times a week.

You add that client to ProCoach and, after 6 months, they decide to stop working with you as a trainer or therapist (either because of financial limitations or because they’re feeling self-sufficient with movement).

The cool part? You can keep working together on nutrition and lifestyle changes, for a much lower monthly fee, exclusively through ProCoach.

Whereas otherwise you would have lost the client, here you get to keep them for at least a year.

Of course, that’s just the short-term gain.

In the long run, by keeping an active coaching relationship open, clients are more likely to come back to you again if they need additional training or support.

Q: What happens at the end of the year?

As mentioned above, ProCoach delivers healthy eating and lifestyle habits over the course of a year. (That’s how long our clients commit to being with us. And we’d recommend you set things up the same way.)

Once the year is up, the next steps are entirely up to you and your client.

Most clients will feel self-sufficient and in control of their nutrition and lifestyle choices. (After all, that’s the goal). At that point they’d graduate from the program and you’d simply replace them with someone new.

Other clients might choose to repeat the program. With habit-based programming, repeating the process only serves to deepen your experience. Think of it as “more reps” or “more practice” at healthy eating.

Q: Can I sign up clients anytime? Or only at specific times of the year, as a group?

ProCoach offers the flexibility to sign up clients whenever you like.

Want to enroll new clients as they start working with you? No problem. You can add new clients to the program any day of the week, any week of the year.

Want to do cohort groups like we do? You can do that too.

Or you can do a mix of both; maybe a few big groups a year and ongoing enrollment in between. There’s lots of flexibility to do both.

Q: Is there a demo of ProCoach in action?

Yes, in case you missed the video above:

Check out this demo of ProCoach in action.


Who’s ProCoach for? (And who’s it not?)

Q: If this is how you coach your own clients, why offer it to other professionals?

The answer is simple: We want to use nutrition coaching to help as many people in the world as possible. And, to do that, we need you.

To understand what I mean, here’s some basic math.

Over the last 15 years, over 100,000 clients have gone through Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach. Sure, that’s impressive. But check this out.

Imagine that over the next 10 years, 50,000 fitness and health professionals start using ProCoach. If each one coaches just 25 people, that’s over 1,000,000 lives changed.

That’s 10 times the impact!

So, by working together, two things happen:

  • You get to deliver something amazing to your clients that’ll help change their lives and help improve your business.
  • We get to use a program that we’ve already built to reach millions of people and make a bigger difference in the world.

It’s all-win for everyone.

High fives.

Q: Which type of professionals would benefit from using ProCoach?

ProCoach is perfect for:

  • personal trainers
  • strength coaches
  • CrossFit® instructors

Bottom line: If you have an established coaching practice with clients who want to eat better and improve their lifestyle habits—and you want a seamless way of adding nutrition support to your services—this is for you.

Q: Who is ProCoach NOT for?

ProCoach is probably not for you if:

  • You work exclusively with bodybuilders or physique athletes.
  • Your clients are all preparing for a specific competition or event.
  • Your clients are all elite competitors already in great shape.
  • You work with all your clients for a short and defined period of time.

This program delivers healthy eating and lifestyle habits over the course of a full year. So it’s not tailored to elite-athlete or physique-competitor needs.

Plus, the program is about progressively building habits over a longer period of time to promote confidence and sustainability. So, if you generally coach people for short/defined periods of time, it’s probably not a good fit.

Erika Volk Gilliland - testimonial card



Q: Do I need to be PN Certified to use ProCoach?

Right now we’re only opening this program to Precision Nutrition Certification Level 1 and 2 students and graduates.

Therefore, if you’ve signed up for either the Precision Nutrition Level 1 or Level 2 Certification program, you can register to use ProCoach.

Q: How is ProCoach different from the Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs?

The Precision Nutrition Level 1 and Level 2 Certifications are education programs.

Specifically: Level 1 is a self-directed certification course designed to cover the art and science of exercise and sport nutrition for health and fitness professionals.

And Level 2 is a yearlong internship/mentorship designed to help our Level 1 graduates become true masters of the art of coaching—what we call Super Coaches.

ProCoach is totally different.

With ProCoach you’re able to use the very same software (and curriculum) Precision Nutrition uses to deliver habit-based coaching to your clients.

Q: Is ProCoach appropriate for Level 2 or 3 eaters?

As mentioned above, ProCoach isn’t a great fit for clients who are:

  • dieting bodybuilders or physique athletes
  • preparing for a specific competition or event
  • elite competitors and already in great shape, or
  • working with you for a very short time

This program delivers healthy eating and lifestyle habits over the course of a full year. So it’s not tailored to elite-athlete or physique-competitor needs.

Plus, the program is about progressively building habits over a longer period of time to promote confidence and sustainability. So, if you generally coach people for short/defined periods of time, ProCoach is probably not a good fit.

In Precision Nutrition parlance, ProCoach is perfect for most of your Level 1 and Level 2 clients. And it’s probably suitable for a small percentage of your Level 3 clients, but not all of them.

Q: My clients are beginners with a lot of weight to lose. Will ProCoach work for them?

Yep. We’ve worked with thousands of people who are new to exercise and healthy eating.

This program takes the needs of beginner clients into account, using a habit-based approach rooted in change psychology.

To this end, most beginners feel like the pace of the curriculum is perfect for them and brings out their best.

To see for yourself how diverse our clients have been, check this out:

What you’ll notice is that our clients come in all shapes and sizes, are all ages, and come from all different backgrounds. Probably a lot like your clients.

Q: My clients are NOT beginners. Will ProCoach work for them?

Lots of our clients have 5+ years of experience with consistent training and healthy eating. Nevertheless, they come to us because their results aren’t quite matching up with their knowledge.

(Heck, we’ve even helped hundreds of personal trainers get back in shape. Like Toni. Or Ron.)

Usually, with clients like this, the problem is consistency; they know what to do but they struggle with the grind of doing it day-in and day-out. And that’s the foundation our program is built on.

Of course, if your clients are elite athletes, already in awesome shape and looking for that 1 percent sports nutrition edge, this curriculum isn’t for them.

However, it will help experienced exercisers get their eating and lifestyle habits on track. It’ll also help them stay consistent if that’s one of their struggles.

Q: What if clients don't want to lose weight, but just eat better?

That’s great too. Because lifelong fitness and health is more than losing weight.

This program teaches clients how to learn how to maintain a lean and healthy body for life.

From nutrition to stress management to sleep, they’ll develop a new and healthier relationship with food, eating, stress, and sleep. And that’s a major breakthrough for most people.

Q: What about my clients who want to gain muscle?

The ProCoach curriculum works well for clients interested in:

  • eating better
  • looking better
  • feeling better
  • improving their health
  • losing body fat, and
  • experiencing body recomposition.

However, it’s not designed to teach clients how to eat for maximal muscle gain, maximal strength gain, or specific sports performance goals.

Curtis Palmer - testimonial card


How will ProCoach help my business?

Q: I already coach nutrition. Why do I need ProCoach?

If you’re already rockin’ a reliable, scalable, and automated nutrition coaching system, rock on. You probably don’t need this.

However, many health and fitness professionals who offer nutrition coaching find it to be a struggle. We surveyed more than 10,000 of them, and their main challenges are:

  • Standardizing coaching so every client gets the same level of care.
  • Being able to coach many clients without a lot of extra work.
  • Automating coaching so they don’t waste lots of time on admin.
  • Identifying client’s limiting factors and their next action.
  • Making sure clients are being consistent and following through.
  • Figuring out how to charge and how to structure coaching.

Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach addresses each of these, making nutrition coaching and support easier for you and more effective for the client.

Q: What do you mean when you say this allows reliable, scalable, and automated coaching?

I’ll define each below.


You’re able to deliver the same high-quality coaching experience to every client regardless of what else is going on… in your life or your clients’.

This is hard to do when your coaching is either one-off or you have more than one employee.


You’re able to coach 5 clients, 50 clients, or 500 clients.

(And going from 5 clients to 500 requires very little additional effort.)

We coach around 5,000 clients a year using a small group of coaches. So I think it’s safe to say that scalability is well proven.

Maybe you’re crunched for time? Too busy to look after everyone’s nutrition and training? No problem, we’ll save you time while increasing your effectiveness.


You’ll be able to deliver nutrition habits, lessons, and assignments on time and on track, no matter what else you’re doing.

Whether we’re sleeping, busy, out of town, in bed with the flu, stuck in traffic or on a plane somewhere above the Pacific ocean… it doesn’t matter.

Our system will take care of our clients regardless, and make sure they get what they need.

Plus daily, weekly, and monthly check-ins are completely automated too.

Q: What kind of results can I expect when using ProCoach?

In our Precision Nutrition Coaching program clients average around 15 pounds of fat loss in the first 6 months. That’s at least 3 times as effective as exercise coaching alone.

Interestingly, our coaching is 100 percent online. Our clients get those results without ever meeting us in person.

Here’s something even more interesting:

If clients work with an exercise coach or trainer, in person, while doing Precision Nutrition Coaching, they lose closer to 25 pounds of fat in 6 months on average. That’s over 4 times as effective as exercise alone.

So think about that for a second.

If you’re a trainer, by using ProCoach in conjunction with your training services, you might be able to get better results than we can.

Indeed, since we first opened ProCoach to Precision Nutrition’s students and graduates—in June of 2016—our new ProCoaches went on to:

  • enroll over 100,000 new clients,
  • help them lose over 965,000 pounds, and
  • collect nearly $57 million in revenue.

And that’s just in the first two years. Imagine what will happen as ProCoach grows even more.

Chris Poese - testimonial card



Q: How will this help me coach more clients than I can right now?

When we first built ProCoach 15 years ago, our co-founder John Berardi was able to go from coaching 25-35 online coaching clients at a time to 100-150 clients at a time.

How? Because ProCoach takes care of all the day-to-day processes—from daily nutrition and lifestyle programming, to built-in accountability, progress tracking, and more.

ProCoach will do all the “heavy lifting” behind the scenes, like providing built-in accountability and managing client records. Daily lessons and check-ins are delivered automatically——allowing you to focus on what you do best: Connecting deeper with your clients and providing world-class support.

Q: Can I “white label” the software and use my own logo?

For now, no. But you’ll have your own contact info listed as “the coach” and everything will run through you.

Q: Will you show me how to build ProCoach into my business and charge for it?

Because we can’t possibly know your market or your clients as well as you do, we’re not in a great position to tell you exactly how to offer ProCoach in your business.

With that said, ProCoach does include a very comprehensive Learning Center that includes sections on business models, marketing, sales, and a whole lot more.

Overview of the ProCoach Learning Center.

These are full of the best practices we’ve learned over the years. So there’s a good chance a lot of this information will work for you.

You can access this once you register as part of the upcoming group.

Q: Does ProCoach manage billing for me?

No, the software doesn’t manage the billing of your clients.

Most users already have billing systems in their businesses. Managing two billing systems introduces unnecessary administrative complexity. And that’s what ProCoach is here to solve.

In addition, while many professionals will use ProCoach as a profit center for their existing business, others will use it as a value-add for their highest-paying clients.

By leaving a billing system out of the software you have the flexibility to offer nutrition coaching as a pay-for-service offering for some clients and a free value-add for others.

Q: I run a fitness facility with multiple trainers. How can I get all of them using ProCoach?

You’d simply sign each up for their own account based on the number of clients they have.

This keeps things really simple and avoids the unnecessary hassles of trying to create, manage, and price enterprise-type solutions.

Q: I'm an international coach with clients all over the world. Can I still use ProCoach?

Of course. We work with clients in over 100 countries, on every continent but Antarctica (so far).

No matter where you—or your clients—live, we can help.

Here’s just a sample of some of the countries where our clients live:

  • USA
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • India
  • France
  • Denmark
  • Sweden
  • Germany
  • South Africa
  • Finland
  • Norway
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • China

Antarctica, give us a call.

Q: Is ProCoach available in Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, etc?

No, not yet.

Both the coach dashboard and the client interface are delivered in English for now.

Carolina Belmares - testimonial card


How much does ProCoach cost?

Q: Is there a limit to how many clients I can coach?

No, there is no limit. You can coach 1 client, 100 clients, or 1000 clients with ProCoach.

Couple of notes, though. First, we start everyone with the basic plan (0-20 clients) because, as you add additional clients, the software simply upgrades you to the next level when appropriate.

So you’ll start with the 0-20 client plan. Add as many clients as you want. And we’ll take care of the rest. We’ll just bill you based on the number of active clients you’re working with at any point in time.

Also, the ProCoach dashboard is optimized to support 200 or fewer clients per single account (i.e. per coach). So, if you run a coaching business with multiple coaches, it’s best to have a separate account for each coach.

Q: How much does it cost to use ProCoach?

We’ve priced this program to be very, very affordable. (Because we want everyone using it.)

Imagine that, over the next 10 years, 50,000 fitness and health professionals start using ProCoach. If each one coaches just 25 people, that’s over 1,000,000 lives changed.

So here’s the exclusive presale price:

$99 USD a month for 0-20 active clients

$149 USD a month for 21-50 active clients

$199 USD a month for 51-100 active clients

Note: This isn’t $99 USD per month, per client. This is a $99 USD flat fee. You pay $99 USD total per month. And you get to coach up to 20 clients a month using the software.

Also note: This price is only for people on the presale list; people not on this list pay 30% more. That means $149 USD a month for 0-20 clients, $199 USD a month for 21-50 clients, $249 USD a month for 51-100 clients.

We offer this discount to people who sign up for the presale list for one reason: the people who are most eager and willing to take action are usually our best clients. That’s why we reward them with a discount and a chance to register a full 24 hours before everyone else.

Not on the presale list yet? Add your name here.

Q: What about ProCoach Workouts?

The ProCoach curriculum includes nutrition, sleep, stress management, and other lifestyle lessons and practices. If you’d like to also coach exercise using ProCoach Workouts, that’s a $69 USD per month upgrade.

This upgrade is available once you’re a member, within your ProCoach dashboard. With it, you can offer exercise to an unlimited number of clients for the same monthly price.

Q: Do PN Level 1 and/or Level 2 graduates get a discount?

There are no special discounts for Precision Nutrition Level 1 or Level 2 Certification graduates.

However, there’s a very generous 30% discount for those who add themselves to the presale list.

Q: How much can I charge clients when using ProCoach?

At Precision Nutrition, our personal coaching clients have paid as much as $179 USD per month to work with us. So you can go with that number if it makes sense for your market.

Of course, you could charge more or less based on your clientele, your offerings, and how you want to roll this out.

Another option is to not charge anything.

You could offer this as a value-add for your best, or highest-paying, clients. Just build ProCoach into your offering/pricing from the beginning, so there’s no need for an additional upcharge.

There are so many possible options here and we don’t place any limits on what you can charge.

Q: How profitable will this really be for me?

This is where things get exciting.

At Precision Nutrition, our personal coaching clients have paid as much as $179 USD per month to work with us. If you charge the exact same amount for nutrition coaching in your business, here’s the math.

20 clients paying $179/month = $3,580 USD monthly revenue

$3,580 monthly revenue – $99/month to PN = $3,481 USD monthly profit for you

100 clients paying $179/month = $17,900 USD monthly revenue

$17,900 monthly revenue – $199/month to PN = $17,701 USD monthly profit for you

Again, you can charge whatever you think makes sense for your market.

We’re only sharing these numbers to demonstrate how low the monthly investment is relative to the profit potential.

How can I get started with ProCoach?

Q: When does the next program kick off?

We’ll open another limited registration on Wednesday, January 15th, 2020, and that will probably be your last opportunity until mid 2020.

Last time we opened registration, we sold out in under 2 hours and a lot of really interested coaches were left out.

Q: How do I increase my chances of getting a spot?

To get an early bird chance at registration, we strongly recommend that you join the presale list.

Once you do, we’ll send you a special link 24 hours before the general public. Register early on that day and it’s more likely, although not guaranteed, you’ll get a spot.

Q: What if I don't like ProCoach?

No problem, you can cancel at any time with the simple click of a button.

If you cancel within the first 90 days, we’ll give you all your money back.

After that, you can cancel any time. No questions asked, let us know and we’ll stop billing you right away.

Q: What are current ProCoaches saying about the program?

We recently invited some of our ProCoaches to Toronto to talk about their experience using the program. Here’s what they had to say:

ProCoach helps you save time, earn more money, and connect more deeply with clients.

Q: How can I find out more?

To learn more, add your name to the presale list.

Once you’re on that list, we’ll follow up with more information, including how to connect with our team if you have further questions.

Interested? Add your name to the presale list. You’ll save 30% and secure your spot 24 hours before everyone else.

On Wednesday, January 15th, 2020, ProCoach becomes available to all Precision Nutrition Certification students and graduates.

If you’re interested and want to find out more, we’ve set up the following presale list, which gives you two advantages:

  • You’ll pay less than everyone else. At Precision Nutrition, we like to reward the most interested and motivated professionals, because they always make the best students and clients. Join the presale list and we’ll give you 30% off the monthly cost of Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach.
  • You’re more likely to get a spot. Remember, last time we sold out within minutes. But by joining the presale list you’ll get the opportunity to register 24 hours before everyone else, increasing your chances of getting in.

If you’re ready to become a confident nutrition coach, help more people live their healthiest lives, and grow your business… ProCoach is your chance.

The post Precision Nutrition’s ProCoach: Frequently asked questions. Find out if ProCoach is right for you. appeared first on Precision Nutrition.

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