Opening April 2019: The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification.

The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is the world’s most respected nutrition education program. It gives you the knowledge, systems, and tools to really understand how food influences a person’s health and fitness. Plus the ability to turn that knowledge into a thriving coaching practice.

Developed over 15 years, and proven with over 100,000 clients and patients, the Precision Nutrition curriculum stands alone as the authority on the science of nutrition and the art of coaching.

Whether you’re already mid-career, or just starting out, the PN Level 1 Certification is your springboard to a deeper understanding of nutrition, the authority to coach it, and the ability to turn what you know into results.

For more, check out this short video; it includes interviews with renowned health, fitness, and medical professionals who’ve experienced the program:



On Wednesday, April 3rd, we’re opening registration for the next Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification group.

The certification gives health, fitness, and wellness professionals — along with those thinking of joining the field — the ability to turn their interest in nutrition into a valuable skill set they can use to help others.

And, the way the world is going, this skill set is needed now more than ever!

So, if you want to learn, we want to teach you, because…

Proven nutrition coaching is what’s missing from the health and fitness field today.

I got involved in nutrition coaching about 25 years ago.

At the time, something became immediately clear.

No matter how knowledgeable I was about the science of nutrition, without a deep understanding of how people actually change, everything I knew about food never really benefited those who came to me for help.

I started talking about this with friends and colleagues — physicians, personal trainers, manual and physical therapists, yoga teachers, group exercise instructors — and they were all experiencing the same frustrations.

Indeed, without effective nutrition coaching skills, most professionals struggle (and sometimes fail) to help clients and patients achieve their goals.

On the other hand, with effective nutrition coaching skills, health and fitness professionals can feel confident, competent, and credible.

They can offer advice they know is right, in the right way, so clients and patients achieve the health improvements and body transformations they’re after.

Truly, knowing how to coach nutrition effectively is the key to helping people get the results they want and deserve.


What if you could be a changemaker, a leader, the kind of professional who makes a real difference?

Imagine if you had all the nutrition, coaching, and change psychology research… all the scientific concepts… all the experience… all the practical “how-to” stuff… all in one place.

Imagine if you had a trusted source of education… a proven system… and real-life advice to help guide your development.

Imagine if your education came in a clear, understandable, self-paced learning format that suited your schedule.

And imagine if, at the end of the process, you had a system to deliver the habit-based nutrition coaching you just learned, so you can grow your practice while working less and getting better results.

That’s what The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is here for.

Learn more about the science of nutrition plus how to apply what you know with the people who turn to you for help.

With the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification you’ll get better results, attract more clients/patients, keep them longer, grow your reputation, and increase your earning potential.

So, whether you’re:

  • just starting out in a health/fitness/wellness field,
  • already an established professional,
  • considering a career change, or
  • wanting to deepen your knowledge of nutrition…

…you can become Precision Nutrition Certified.

Which means you’ll be able to:

  • help clients/patients eat better — safely and effectively;
  • become the go-to expert in your business or community;
  • help your friends and family with their nutrition and health;
  • connect with other top professionals in the field;
  • continue to learn with us even after you’ve completed the course;
  • build an amazing career in health and fitness;

And the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification will help you do it.
Precision Nutrition Certification


An exciting new, updated 3rd edition.

Since we first launched the Precision Nutrition Certification, we’ve been recognized as the world’s most definitive source on the science of nutrition and the art of nutrition coaching.

Indeed, over 2 million people interested in fitness, health, food, and nutrition visited our website last month, enough to fill Dallas Cowboy stadium 20 times.

Yet we’re never satisfied with yesterday’s success.

Nutrition science is dynamic, new discoveries are made daily. And that’s just on the research side. As we continue to coach (over 100,000 clients to date), we’re discovering new methods to achieve real, lasting behavior change.

That’s why we’re constantly updating the course curriculum. This is great for you since we recently released our third edition.

3rd edition of the Level 1 Certification

The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification has recently been re-envisioned and refined. This latest version of the program includes:

  • new text, with the latest research in nutrition, physiology, psychology,
  • new video lectures, one to go with each chapter of the new textbook,
  • new workbook and study guide to help you prepare for the online exams,
  • new assessment forms and questionnaires to learn more about clients.
Precision Nutrition Certification 3rd Edition
The new 3rd Edition of the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification is not only beautiful, it’s jam-packed with the latest research and proven coaching practices.

With the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification, you’ll learn the science of nutrition and the art of coaching the right way, from the company that Apple, Nike, Equinox, Titleist, and pro athletes around the world turn to for advice.

Now, more than ever, our certification is guaranteed to give you a one-of-a-kind education experience (and the path to become an incredible coach).

Professional nutrition software, ProCoach

Easily implement and scale the nutrition coaching system you’ll learn in the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification with ProCoach, our cutting-edge software available to Precision Nutrition students and grads.

Tested with over 100,000 clients, ProCoach helps you deliver world-class nutrition coaching. Now you can grow your business while working less & getting better results.

Community of like-minded people + top experts

In our private Facebook community you’ll now be able to learn alongside an extremely supportive group of nearly 30,000 coaches, physicians, trainers, nutritionists, researchers, therapists, yoga teachers, and other health and fitness professionals from all over the world.

With case studies, lessons, tips of the day, and more, being part of this community will deepen your learning, introduce you to new people, and help you level up your career.

You’ll also get daily access to the field’s most accomplished experts and coaches, including me, Brian St. Pierre, Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon, Dominic Matteo, Dr. Helen Kollias, Kate Solovieva, Adam Feit, Lisanne Thomas, and more.

As part of the community you can ask questions, get feedback and advice, and nerd out on everything health and nutrition.

Precision Nutrition Certification


The Precision Nutrition Certification is open to everyone who’s interested in discovering the benefits of nutrition coaching.

  • Maybe you’re a personal trainer or athletic coach, and you want to stand out from the pack to offer your clients/team the best service and results.
  • Maybe you’re another type of health professional — a physician, massage therapist, chiropractor, physiotherapist, yoga instructor, or registered nurse — who wants to add nutrition coaching to your roster of services.
  • Maybe you want to complete the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification as your first step toward becoming an elite health and fitness coach.
  • Maybe you’re looking for a practical way quit your existing job and do work you’re passionate about in the health and nutrition field.
  • Maybe you’re interested in how nutrition can improve health and performance, and want to learn more about how to optimize your own diet, or that of your family and friends.
  • Maybe you just really love nutrition and want to go down the rabbit hole and see where it takes you.

There’s nothing out there like the Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification in terms of helping you use the science of nutrition and the art of coaching to get the best possible results for the people who turn to you for help.

Even better, you’ll get the education you need, on your terms and on your schedule, without having to go back to school to become a dietitian.

Precision Nutrition Certification



Why choose Precision Nutrition?

There are many good reasons to choose the Precision Nutrition Certification to advance your knowledge and grow your coaching practice.

Here are just a few of them.

We wrote the book on nutrition coaching.

We couldn’t find a textbook that did all the things we wanted to do, nor all the things we wanted to teach others.

So we created one based on our extensive research and work with over 100,000 clients. It’s called The Essentials of Sport and Exercise Nutrition.

It’s a 600-page opus — now totally re-envisioned and in its 3rd edition — that covers every aspect of the latest science and practice of nutrition coaching.

Precision Nutrition Certification 3rd Edition Image 2
The PN Level 1 Certification, 3rd Edition. There’s nothing else like it anywhere.

With this incredible learning resource we’re doing everything in our power to change the game. We’re out to educate and train a new, more effective, kind of health and fitness professional.

And we’re being recognized for it by the top organizations in the world.

The PN Method has been validated clinically.

The Precision Nutrition Method, which drives our Certification and ProCoach programs, was recently validated in 3 peer-reviewed studies.

This means that the system you’ll learn in the Level 1 program is truly “evidence-based”.

Our method was recently validated in peer-reviewed studies published in Internet Interventions, the Journal of Cancer Survivorship, and Obesity Science and Practice.

Having worked with over 100,000 clients, we know our system is highly effective at helping people lose fat, build strength, and make big health improvements. Now the medical and scientific communities know it too.

You get the latest science, the latest practice, the very best for your clients/patients.

As mentioned above, we’re constantly updating the course curriculum to keep pace with new discoveries in the field. That’s why our 3rd edition includes:

  • new video lectures, one for each textbook chapter, to help you better learn the material and retain what you’ve learned (check out a sample video below, it’s awesome);
  • new workbook with exercises and thought experiments to help prepare you for your end-of-chapter exams; and

As an example, here’s “Through the GI Tract” — which supplements Chapter 2 of the textbook. (Remember, every chapter has an awesome video like this, to go along with the text).



The Precision Nutrition Certification is everything we’ve learned over the last 15 years, brought together, and are sharing with you.

Unlike most other certifications, this isn’t a program full of abstract theory that doesn’t work in the real world. (Nor is it a program full of internet level, social media arguer, keyboard jockey type information.)

Instead, it’s deep knowledge that’s client-tested, scientifically proven, and constantly updated based on the data we’ve collected working directly with over 100,000 clients.

In fact, Precision Nutrition is the only nutrition certification company in the world that successfully coaches real clients every day.

Clients like these:


With the PN Level 1 Certification you’ll:

  • Learn a proven nutrition system that’s guaranteed to get results.
  • Get the 600-page, newly updated, definitive guide to nutrition coaching, shipped to your door.
  • Watch fun, expert-narrated video lectures to boost your understanding of complex nutrition and psychology topics.
  • Study online at your own pace, and take the online exams whenever you want.
  • Mentor with Dr. Berardi and the Precision Nutrition team.
  • Start using our coaching tools and techniques immediately, including our comprehensive package of client/patient resources.
  • Have the chance to use the same proven ProCoach software that we use with Precision Nutrition Coaching clients.
  • Boost your credentials — and learn everything you ever wanted to know about nutrition coaching — without going back to school.

Precision Nutrition Certification


Interested? Add your name to the presale list. You’ll save up to 33% and secure your spot 24 hours before everyone else.

We’ll be opening up spots in our next Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification on Wednesday, April 3rd.

If you want to find out more, we’ve set up the following presale list, which gives you two advantages.

  • Pay less than everyone else. We like to reward people who are eager to boost their credentials and are ready to commit to getting the education they need. So we’re offering a discount of up to 33% off the general price when you sign up for the presale list.
  • Sign up 24 hours before the general public and increase your chances of getting a spot. We only open the certification program twice per year. Due to high demand, spots in the program are limited and have historically sold out in a matter of hours. But when you sign up for the presale list, we’ll give you the opportunity to register a full 24 hours before anyone else.

If you’re ready for a deeper understanding of nutrition, the authority to coach it, and the ability to turn what you know into results… this is your chance to see what the world’s top professional nutrition coaching system can do for you.

The post Opening April 2019: The Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification. appeared first on Precision Nutrition.

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