Lettuce Detox Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

The health benefits of lettuce contain lower cholesterol levels, prevention of cancer, protection of neurons, regular sleep, stress control, reduced inflammation, and a constant supply of antioxidants.

What is Lettuce?

Lettuce, scientifically known as Lactuca sativa, was first cultivated by the Egyptians thousands of years back.  The Egyptians used the seeds to produce oil and utilized the leaves of this helpful vegetable.  The plant also had cultural and spiritual significance in ancient Egypt, as it was considered to be sacred.  Later, the Greeks and Romans also cultivated this harvest.

Lettuce Nutrition Facts

Lettuce contains moisture, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sugars.  The vitamins and minerals found in it include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc together with vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, C, A, E, and vitamin K.

Health Benefits of Lettuce

For centuries, this foliage has been cultivated as more than a vegetable.  It was thought to possess medicinal properties by ancient folks.  The health benefits which have been confirmed by the modern scientific study include the following.

Anti-inflammatory Agent

Lettuce possesses anti-inflammatory properties that assist in controlling inflammation.  In experimental models, lettuce extracts demonstrate significant controlling power over inflammation induced by biocatalysts such as lipoxygenase and carrageenan.

Fights Cancer

Lettuce leaf extracts may control specific types of cancer.  Research on human cancer cells, especially pancreatic cells and brеаst саnсеr сеlls, wеrе соntrоllеd tо а sіgnіfісаnt ехtеnt аftеr bеіng trеаtеd wіth lеttuсе ехtrасts.  Тhе ехреrіmеnts аlsо suggеstеd thаt thе wеіght rаtіо оf humаn lеttuсе соnsumрtіоn rеquіrеd tо kіll 50 percent of leukemia cells would be 3 kg.

Antimicrobial Agent

The latex of lettuce possesses antimicrobial properties.  Candida albicans and numerous other yeasts were completely deformed upon coming into contact with the latex from lettuce.  Biochemicals that are deemed to own these antimicrobial properties are the terpenes and cardenolides, as well as enzymes like glucanases.

Controls Anxiety

The neural components of lettuce have been suggested and exploited during ancient times and the Middle Ages in medical treaties such as the Unani system.  Detailed research in recent times has resulted in the conclusion that lettuce possesses anxiolytic properties.  When laboratory animals were awarded lettuce extracts, their locomotive activity was reduced, suggesting appreciable anxiolysis.

Antioxidant Agent

Studies have shown that lettuce features antioxidants with significant free radical-scavenging capabilities.  Antioxidants are a wide assortment of biochemicals mostly found in our diet; they're also quite necessary for human health.  Antioxidants act as obstacles to free radicals, which are generated during cellular metabolism.  These free radicals attack healthy tissues, cells, and the DNA in them.

Simple Lettuce Recipes

A couple of recipes are provided below that can be easily attempted at home.

Vegetable Salad: Cut a tomato, cucumber, radish, carrot, red pepper, yellow pepper, and lettuce leaves.  Insert the cut vegetables to a bowl.  A dash of olive oil, pepper, season with salt, and lime juice.

Corn Lettuce Salad: Boil 1 cup of corn and let it cool.  Cut some lettuce, onion, and tomato, and put it in a bowl.  Add the boiled corn into this mixture.  Season the mixture with salt, pepper, olive oil, and lime juice.  You may add other vegetables like boiled baby potatoes, mushroom, or peas, or even throw in some boiled chicken or fish.

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