Eggplant Detox Juice Recipes for Weight Loss

Eggplant is referred to as a vegetable having a unique range of health benefits, including an ability to help build strong bones and protect against osteoporosis, reduce the symptoms of anemia, and boost cognition.  It improves cardiovascular health and protects the digestive system.  Eggplant is also good for weight loss, managing diabetes, reducing stress, protecting babies from congenital disabilities, and even preventing cancer.

What are Eggplants?
Eggplants are fruits, originally native to the Indian subcontinent and are now found throughout the world in different cuisines.  In England, they are known as aubergine and are also known as brinjal, melongene, and guinea squash.  These black or glossy purple fruits can grow over a foot in length in wild varieties, though they are considerably smaller in normal agriculture.  They reached the Middle East and the Mediterranean areas approximately 800 years ago and were referenced in England from the 16th century.

Health Benefits of Eggplants

Health benefits of eggplant include the following:

Aid in Digestion

Eggplants, like many other vegetables, are great sources of dietary fiber, an essential element in any balanced diet.  Fiber is essential for gastrointestinal health, as well as for regular bowel movements.  It bulks up your stool so that they pass more easily through the digestive tract, while also stimulating peristaltic motion, the contraction of the smooth muscles that help food pushed from the body.

Weight Loss

Since eggplants have a minimal quantity of fat or cholesterol, they are really healthy food for people seeking to lose weight or combat obesity issues.  The fiber is also quite filling, which inhibits the release of ghrelin, the hormone that tells our mind that we are hungry again.  By filling us up and reducing our appetite, the chances of overeating are greatly reduced, so weight loss attempts are more successful.

Prevent Cancer

Together wіth thе bеnеfісіаl еffесts оf fіbеr, еggрlаnts аrе аlsо ехсеllеnt sоurсеs оf аntіохіdаnts, one of those bods best lines of defense against a wide variety of diseases and conditions.  Eggplants contain vitamin C, which is a key part of the immune system as it stimulates the production and activity of white blood cells.  Additionally, eggplants contain manganese, which is a natural antioxidant and an essential mineral.

Improve Bone Health

There is a range of benefits to bone health that come from eggplants, which is extremely good for people at higher risk of bone degradation and osteoporosis.  Phenolic compounds are what give eggplants and many other fruits their distinctive coloration.  These compounds have also been linked to reduced signs of osteoporosis, stronger bones, and increased bone mineral density.

How to Juice an Eggplant

Unlike oranges or lemons, it's difficult to squeeze an eggplant by hand to get juice.  Instead, you'll require a juicer or masher to extract liquid.  Juicing the vegetable eliminates much of the natural fiber material found in the pulp.  Nonetheless, eggplant juice contains valuable nutrients such as vitamin C, folate, potassium, and phosphorus.  If you can stomach the taste, drink eggplant juice raw -- it retains more nutrients than boiled juice.


The simplest way to juice an eggplant is to utilize a juicing machine.  When chopped into chunks, the vegetable will fit in the juicer hopper.  The stem and tough crown on the peak of the eggplant won't juice so discard these.  An eggplant won't produce high volumes of juice less than one-fourth of a cup per eggplant.  Of course, the bigger the eggplant, the more juice you're likely to get.

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